The Experiences are designed to be both functional and experiential, provoking client/consultant conversation while authentically immersing clients in the workplace of the future. The experiences include a Welcome Wall, Waterfall, Media Fountain, Innovation Pool and Mobile App.
Go To Mobile App
The following 'PwC Go To' mobile app is used throughout the Workspace of the Future for navigation, experience customization, and collecting of events and services of interest. As design lead, I developed experience flows, data visualizations, in addition to on brand interface design at the direction of the design director.

Welcome Wall
The Welcome Wall greeted visitors at the entrance of the Workspace. It was here that visitors begin their journey and are able to connect their mobile application and prompted to activate their bluetooth for beacon location detection allowing for mobile navigation through the building.

I created the following UX wireframes before handing the project off for UI styling. These touch screen wall panels, equipped with proximity sensors, facilitate the exploration of the stream (water fall) of PwC marketing assets, past and upcoming event information, and social media posts. If multiple visitors approach the wall, the stream transforms to display what each of them have in common with the ability to explore and collect.